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dc.contributor.authorStan, Adrianaro
dc.contributor.authorBorza, Cosminro
dc.descriptionAdriana Stan & Cosmin Borza (2024) From Ostalgie To Ostodium. The Anti-Communist Novel in Post-1989 East-Central Europe1, Central Europe, 22:1, 76-87, DOI: 10.1080/14790963.2024.2294419en
dc.description.abstractThis study seeks to theorize the post-communist anti-communist novel as a distinct and productive genre in East-Central European literatures, which we describe – in polemic with the better-known ostalgie – as a narrative of ostodium. We argue that anti-communist fiction became a cohesive genre in post-communism owing to its rigid view of the past, which was kept alive and significant, while simultaneously being antagonized, even after communism had collapsed. To that end, we explain how the anti-communist mindset assumed by intellectuals from the region during communism (which had then been branded as ‘anti-politicsʼ) maintained monopoly over post-communist cultural production, and merged with ascending post-communist neoliberalism that promoted an anti-statist public mythology. We further outline the shifting shapes in which the ideological bias of the post-communist anti-communist novel was conveyed, and draw distinctions from proximate genres, such as the political novel, le roman á la thèse and historiographic metafiction. One crucial argument in this respect regards the postmodern entanglements of the post-communist anti-communist novel: in maintaining an univocal rejection of the communist metanarrative, they took on a stronger political thèse than in Western postmodernism, but also enhanced postmodernism’s anti-realist drive by failing to provide an understanding of the post-communist present.en
dc.publisherRoutledge Taylor & Francis Groupen
dc.rights© 2024 The Author(s)en
dc.subjectEast-Central European Culturesen
dc.titleFrom Ostalgie To Ostodium. The Anti-Communist Novel in Post-1989 East-Central Europeen
dc.europeana.providerBiblioteca Universitatii "Lucian Blaga" Sibiuro
Appears in Collections:C. Articole în reviste științifice

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A02 Stan & Borza.pdfAdriana Stan & Cosmin Borza (2024) From Ostalgie To Ostodium. The Anti-Communist Novel in Post-1989 East-Central Europe1, Central Europe, 22:1, 76-87, DOI: 10.1080/14790963.2024.2294419656.2 kBAdobe PDFView/Open

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