C. Articole în reviste științifice Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 26
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024The transmedial triangulation of Dracula: how cinema turned the Gothic bloodsucker into a Gothicized serial killerMartin, Simina Anca; Baghiu, Ștefan
2024The interwar Romanian translation of Dracula A story of lost and foundMartin, Simina Anca
2024New Methodologies in The Study of the Romanian NovelGârdan, Daiana; Modoc, Emanuel
2024“Why don't we have a novel of our own?": The Anatomy of a Romanian Literary Complex.Terian, Andrei; Chiorean, Maria
2021Planetáris poétikákMoraru, Christian
2021Neoextractivism, or the birth of magical realism as world literatureTerian, Andrei
2021Operaționalizarea experimentului în critica literară româneascăPojoga, Vlad
2021Critica ideologică în epoca limbajului administrativ de stânga: o istorie New Left a literaturii române contemporane Articole RTRBaghiu, Ștefan
2021Literary Historiography as Event: Mihai Iovănel’s History of Contemporary Romanian Literature: 1990-2020Moraru, Christian
2022The Post-National Celan: The Imperfect Triangulation from (Abandoned) Romanian Poetry to World Literature and BackVancu, Radu
2022Rhizomes, Forms, Rhythms, and Other Transportation Systems. An Attempt at Introducing Constructalism in Literary TheoryDumitru, Teodora
2022Children’s Literature in RomaniaIovănel, Mihai
2022„Geniul” la Eminescu și „geniul” lui Eminescu. Problemă cosmologică și afacere național(ist)ă (I) și (II)Dumitru, Teodora
2022From Capitalist Aspirations to the National Project. The Inter-Imperial Transylvanian CompromiseOlaru, Ovio
2022Eminescu-thermosof sau cum intră știința în poezie (I) și (II)Dumitru, Teodora
2022-09World History, Literary History: Postmodernism and AfterMoraru, Christian
2022New Scales for Regional Studies in Creolizing the Modern: Transylvania across EmpiresBalázs, Imre József
2022A Szürrealista Földrajz Implikációi : Transznacionális szempontok a Surrealism Beyond Borders címû kiállításonBalázs, Imre József
2022Poezie, crimă și capital internațional. Geo Bogza și petromodernitatea interbelicăMironescu, Doris
2023Can the Foreigner Speak? Reflecting the World in the Romanian Novel 1844-1947Olaru, Ovio
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 26