Cuprins / Table des matieres / Table of contents: Ioan Pop-Curșeu - Introducere / Introduction * Historical and Anthropological Perspectives on Witchcraft * Carmen Fenechiu - Artele oculte în Tacitus, Anale, cărţile 1–6 * Robert Mirică - Visual Representations of the Witches Activities in a Demonology Treaty: A case study on Urlich Molitor’s De laniis et phitonicis mulieribus (1489) * Tünde Komáromi - Night Witches and the Imprints of their Hands. Kolozsvár, 1584 * Kévin Cochard - Les représentations de sorcieres dans les médias français du XVIIe siecle: l’exemple des canards * Astrid Cambose - Metamorfoza unei reprezentări, de la Testamentul lui Solomon la demonologia folclorică românească: Avestiţa, aripa Satanei / Avizuha / Samca * Valer Simion Cosma - Magie și religie în context liturgic în lumea ţărănească a românilor ardeleni din secolul al XIX-lea * Camelia Burghele - Fashion versus moarte: cămașa ciumei * Laura Jiga Iliescu - Graţian – Fairy Spirit, Film Character and Hero of Local Beliefs * Ekaterina V. Gusarova - Witchcraft Images in Popular Beliefs, Literature and Art of Medieval and Modern Ethiopian Culture * Daria Ioan - Magic powers, sexuality, theatrical images among the hijras of the Indian subcontinent * Witchcraft and Witches in Cinema, Visual Arts and Literature * Ioan Pop-Curșeu - Circé a l’écran: portraits d’une sorciere séduisante * Katarzyna Lipinska - Le dibbouk de Michal Waszynski (1937): entre la magie et le mysticisme * Ziyin Chen - La transmutation de la représentation de la sorcellerie Du Chateau de l’Araignee a Millennium Actress * Anais Cabart - De Medea a Antichrist: l’archétype de la Grande Mere de Dreyer a Von Trier * Alexandru Sterian - The Blair Witch Project and the Mockumentary Approach * Andreea Apostu - L’image de la sorciere dans la création de Paul Ranson, peintre nabi * Gelu Teampău - Witches, Wizards and Witchcraft in Comic Books * Cristina Bogdan - Witches in the Historical Fiction Works by Doina Ruști, Andreea Răsuceanu and Simona Antonescu * Kriszta Szabó-Matei - Witches and Witchcraft in Hungarian Literature * Lista autorilor/ List of Authors
Pop-Curșeu, Ioan; Cosma Valer Simion. Magie și vrăjitorie. Perspective istorice, antropologice și artistice / Magie et sorcellerie. Perspectives historiques, anthropologiques et artistiques / Magic and Witchcraft. Historical, Anthropological and Artistic Perspectives. Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2020, 362 p.