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Ioan Halmaghi and the “wondrous craft” of the Păscălie. Bibliomancy and the calculation systems of eastern chronology at the end of the eighteenth century

Show simple item record Cosma, Valer Simion ro 2025-01-30T20:32:19Z en 2025-01-30T20:32:19Z en 2018 en
dc.identifier.issn 1588-2586 en
dc.identifier.uri en
dc.description Cosma, Valer Simion. Ioan Halmaghi and the “wondrous craft” of the Păscălie. Bibliomancy and the calculation systems of eastern chronology at the end of the eighteenth century. In: Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 63(1), 129–148 (2018). en
dc.description.abstract Along with 19th-century folklore material, church documents from the 18th and 19th centuries emphasize the Păscălia as a book used in bibliomancy. In this study, I aim to explore the originally allowed and designated functions of this writing, and to provide an explanation for why this book was associated with the world of bibliomancy in both folklore and in the offi cially sanctioned culture of the Uniate clergy from Transylvania. Furthermore, by focusing on the specifi c case of the Uniate vicar Ioan Halmaghi, who was educated in Roman-Catholic institutions, I set out to explore the attitude of the elite clergy toward this text, and to highlight how a corpus of pre-modern and un-Western knowledge was simply ejected into the sphere of magic and superstition. en
dc.language.iso English en
dc.source ro
dc.subject Paschalia en
dc.subject bibliomancy en
dc.subject 18th century en
dc.subject priest en
dc.subject superstition en
dc.subject Enlightenment en
dc.title Ioan Halmaghi and the “wondrous craft” of the Păscălie. Bibliomancy and the calculation systems of eastern chronology at the end of the eighteenth century en
dc.type Article en

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