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dc.contributor.editorGRIGORE, Rodica (Guest Editor)en
dc.identifier.issn1937-0229 (Print)en
dc.identifier.issnISSN: 1937-0237 (Electronic)en
dc.identifier.otherH1 .T485 361 14 2007214369en
dc.descriptionRodica Grigore, Introduction: Re-reading Latin American Fiction. »» Jay Corwin, Del amor y otros demonios and the Aesthetic Trajectory of García Márquez »» Alonso Cueto, Vargas Llosa and the Poetics of Power »» Roy C. Boland, The Time of the Hero and the Dream of the Celt: A Case Study of Narrative Continuity in Mario Vargas Llosa »» José Cardona-López, A Discussion of Los cachorros (1967) by Mario Vargas Llosa as a Nouvelle or Short Novel: Its Discourse and the Theme of Identity »» Corin Braga, “Personal Myth” in Ernesto Sábato’s Novels »» Pedro Serrano, Bishops and Pins in Jorge Ibargüengoitia »» Rodica Grigore, Alejo Carpentier, the Lost Steps. Art between Nature and Culture »» Armando Romero, I the Supreme Writer of the Republic Yo el Supremo Escritor de la República »» Dan Munteanu Colán, The Dimension “Time” in Two Hispanic Novelists (Alejo Carpentier y Manuel Vázquez-Bigi) La dimensión “tiempo” en dos novelistas hispanos (Alejo Carpentier y Manuel Vázquez-Bigi). »» Manuel Cortés Castañeda, Walking with Death. Two Short Stories by Óscar Collazos: The Sleeping Car and Somebody Is Knocking on the Door. De la mano de la muerte. Dos cuentos de Óscar Collazos: Soledad al final del coche cama y Alguien llama a mi puerta »» Erich Goode Interviewed by Robert M. Worley, Q and A with Author: Erich Goode, The Taming of New York’s Washington Square: A Wild Civility. New York University Press, 2018. – Free Content »» Reviewed by B. Garrick Harden, Book Review: Meštrović, Stjepan G., The Postemotional Bully. London: Sage Publications Ltd. 2015. – Free Content »» Reviewed by Tyler Dupont, Book Review: Snyder, Gregory J., Skateboarding LA: Inside Professional Street Skateboarding. New York: New York University Press. 2018. – Free Content »» Reviewed by Jessica L. Sullivan Book Review: Herbert, Steve, Too Easy to Keep: Life-Sentenced Prisoners and the Future of Mass Incarceration. Oakland, California: University of California Press. 2019. – Free Contenten
dc.description.abstractThe Transformative Studies Institute (TSI), founded in 2007, is a fully-volunteer educational think tank managed and operated by a global team of scholar-activists, grassroots activists, and the concerned public. As a nonpartisan organization, none of the ideas presented by individuals across our programs and publications necessarily represent our institutional viewpoint, including the ideas and opinions of the founding executive director at his request. This is because we are a safe open space for informed dialogue to propose solutions promoting social justice without retaliations and reprisals. Our goal is to establish a tuition-free graduate school granting accredited Ph.D. and MA degrees to foster interdisciplinary research that will bridge theory with praxis and encourage community involvement to alleviate social problems and promote social justice. TSI publishes independent peer-reviewed journals including Theory in Action, operates a speakers’ bureau, Fellowship program, Students Helping Students and other community outreach programs.en
dc.rights©2019 Transformative Studies Instituteen
dc.subjectTransformative Studies Instituteen
dc.subjectLatin American Fictionen
dc.titleTransformative Studies Instituteen
dc.europeana.providerBiblioteca Universitatii "Lucian Blaga" Sibiuro
Appears in Collections:Literatură

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TSI.jpg(TSI) Transformative Studies Institute - Volume 12, number 4, October 31, 2019. Special Edition: Latin American Fiction - Guest Editor: Rodica Grigore. ISSN: 1937-0229 (Print), ISSN: 1937-0237 (Electronic), H1 .T485 361 14 2007214369. Vizualizează pagina web: kBJPEGThumbnail
Rodica Grigore - Introduction.pdfRodica Grigore, Introduction: Re-reading Latin American Fiction. In: (TSI) Transformative Studies Institute - Volume 12, number 4, October 31, 2019. Special Edition: Latin American Fiction - Guest Editor: Rodica Grigore. ISSN: 1937-0229 (Print), ISSN: 1937-0237 (Electronic), H1 .T485 361 14 2007214369 ( kBAdobe PDFThumbnail
Rodica Grigore - Alejo Carpentier.pdfRodica Grigore, Alejo Carpentier, the Lost Steps. Art between Nature and Culture. In: (TSI) Transformative Studies Institute - Volume 12, number 4, October 31, 2019. Special Edition: Latin American Fiction - Guest Editor: Rodica Grigore. ISSN: 1937-0229 (Print), ISSN: 1937-0237 (Electronic), H1 .T485 361 14 2007214369 ( kBAdobe PDFThumbnail

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